Facebook and Instagram
Join our growing social media community and keep in touch with current events, career notices and happenings at our school?
At The Entrance Campus, we offer a number of Learning Management systems:
Google Workspace
Students login using their Department of Education and Communities email address (firstname.lastname(number if you have one) @education.nsw.gov.au)
Google Classroom
Students login using their Department of Education and Communities email address (firstname.lastname(number if you have one) @education.nsw.gov.au)
SENTRAL Parent/Carer & Student Portal
The Parent Portal allows parents access to information regarding student timetables, student reports, attendance data, daily notices as well as booking parent teacher interviews.
Parent/Carer first time Sentral users will need to register before they can proceed further (Parent/Carer portal registration https://thentrance-h.sentral.com.au/portal/register). It will ask you for a Parent Access Key which can be obtained by contacting the School Office on 4332 2944 or via email: thentrance-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au.
Students can view their timetable by logging into either the Sentral app or web portal using their Department of Education email address/login password and clicking on the 'Login using SSO' button.
Parent Portal Registration (for first time users)
Joining the portal Guide
Parent & Student Portal login
SENTRAL for Parents/Carers App