TLSC Careers Website Link
To stay up-to-date with the latest careers information please follow our Facebook or Instagram page. Careers information is released every Thursday.
A team approach to providing Career and Transition Education is undertaken at The Entrance Campus to cater for the broad range of vocational directions of our senior students. This team aims to provide Careers services to students which focus on their development in three key areas:
1. Personal Management – build and maintain a positive self-concept
2. Learning and Work Exploration – locate and effectively use career information
3. Career Building – understand, engage in and manage the career-building process
The key principles embedded within the Career and Transition program are:
Planning – discussing ideas with key people, undertaking work placement/work experience, volunteering, completing online surveys and searching websites.
Preparation – attending careers expos, information sessions, open days, making inquiries, preparing applications, meeting application deadlines, resume` updating and maintaining an e-portfolio.
Positive Transition – commitment to school programs – Trade Training, VET, ATAR, Ready for Work which improve your chances to secure employment, apprenticeships, traineeships, cadetships, further training or university.
The Career and Transition team consists of:
Principal – Ms Harvey
Deputy Principals - Mr Brand, Mrs Hudson and Mrs Thomas
Head Teacher VET – Mr Teys
Career Adviser – Mrs Giles
The Career and Transition activities are varied and ongoing throughout the year:
· Work Experience Program
· Work Placement – VET students only
· Guest speakers - Role Models, past students, curriculum related presentations by Universities and Industry Representatives
· Tax File Number Application
· Careers guidance
· Year Group/Careers Google Classroom – Resume` resources, job application documents, careers information
· Careers resources
· Mentoring Programs
· Links with community agencies
· Newsletter communication
· Careers events calendar
· Courses – Senior First Aid, Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) / Responsible Conduct of Gaming (RCG), Barista course, WHS Whitecard.