Welcome to the Wellbeing Team
Head Teacher Wellbeing: Emma Nichols
Year 12 2023 Year Advisors: Laura Gifford, Melanie Romano, Rachel Dowling
Year 11 2023 Year Advisors: Abigaile Groth, Matthew Daniels, Bronson Walters
The Wellbeing Team at The Entrance Campus focus on the positive wellbeing and welfare of all students. The Team are available to assist students so that they may reach their true potential, regardless of any issues that may be impacting on them. The Wellbeing Team look forward to meeting and welcoming all students when they move to the senior campus.
Students can access services such as:
• Counselling and advice
• Student financial assistance
• Mentoring
• Study skills
• Resume and application letters.
Learning Enrichment
The Entrance Campus offers Year 11 and 12 students a comprehensive support service to assist with the demands of their Year 11 and Year 12 HSC pathways. The team consists of Mrs Brown and a number of School Learning Enrichment Officers.
The Learning Enrichment Team allows for students to self-refer and access support during a study period, recess, lunch, 'Tuesday Drop In' from 12:30-1:30, before and after school. Students
are offered a variety of support services, including: literacy and numeracy support, assistance with assessment tasks and organisational skills, time management, essay writing, study skills, work placement support, research skills, major works, time management and disability provisions.
School Counsellors
The Entrance Campus offers the onsite services of a School Counsellor five days a week to work with young people in supporting their mental wellbeing in a private and confidential environment.
Students can request to be referred to the counsellor by the wellbeing team if they sense they are struggling with their sense of belonging, relaonships, stress related to school work, or unhelpful thoughts. Parents/carers can call the HT Wellbeing for advice on 4332 2944 for advice regarding counselling support within the school or for an appropriate referral to an outside health care provider.
Support Dogs
The Entrance Campus is home to numerous support dogs. The role of school support dogs is to react and respond to people and their environment, under the guidance and direction of their handler. For example, a student might be encouraged to gently pat or talk to a dog which can provide emotional support during moments of stress and/or anxiety.
Wellbeing Hub
The Wellbeing Hub is a central space on campus that provides a facility for supporting students with health and wellbeing. Katie Gleeson is our School Support Officer and she is the ‘go to’ person with everything related to the Wellbeing Hub. This ranges from booking appointments for our community services partners and our students and processing referral forms and booking various meetings. The Wellbeing Hub is located within the library and is the central point for students to seek support in a safe environment to:
• Build social connections
• Link to external agencies including housing, Centrelink
• Breakfast from 7:15am each morning
• Food and hygiene packs
• Second hand uniforms
• Emotional regulation strategies/workshops
• Anxiety resilience strategies/workshops
• Health, social and relationship advice.