Post school planning is an on-going process for students from Year 11 with preparation and actioning intensifying in Year 12. There are many pathways available to students including:
- Employment
- Apprenticeships – usually 3 – 4 years in duration
- Traineeship – can be 12 months – 2 years in duration
- Cadetships – combine work and study at University
- TAFE – (Certificate III, IV and Diploma Pathways) application and enrolment courses
- University
- Open Foundation – a free pathway program offered by University of Newcastle
- Private Colleges/Registered Training Organisations
- Community Work or Volunteering
- GAP Year – planned year of experiences involving a combination of work, travel, training, volunteering.
Planning for Year 13
All Year 12 students are encouraged to start planning for 'Year 13' from Term 1. Remember, good planning and preparation will lead to a positive first step in your career pathway.
Take a look at the Careers Planning Model below as a guide for Year 13 planning.

Book a Meeting with our Careers Advisor
To book an individual meeting with Mrs Giles click here.
Student Planning
Know Your Post School Direction
For students who know what direction they would like to take after school, there are numerous opportunities for students to gain the information they require to apply for employment, TAFE, further training or University.
Unsure of Post School Direction
It is common for students to experience difficulty deciding on a post school direction. At The Entrance Campus, students are encouraged to think of career planning in terms of steps.
For post-school planning, students are asked to consider which direction their ‘first step' will be after completing school. Involvement in Career and Transition activities is encouraged in Years 11 and 12 to support students gain ideas and credentials to make a positive transition beyond school.
The Careers Hub located in the library has information about many post school pathways including industry information, university course guides, TAFE guides, Defence Force information, Centrelink, Private Training Colleges, Volunteer Programs, GAP Year ideas, HSC Preparation courses, Training Pathways, HSC/ATAR profiles, employment information and Resume' writing resources. Students are also encouraged to search websites for current information.
Careers Quiz
Try one of these quizzes and refer to the sample occupations that match your result.
Helpful Websites